
How can I get help?  What type help is available? Dr. Jeanette will help guide you by uncovering challenges, defining the issues and showing you the choices you may make in health, life and home.  She has many different options to receive support which are listed below and the first step is to schedule a Let’s Talk session to see how help can be available to you. Step one:  Send a request for help via the contact us page and I will get back to you to schedule date/time. Step two:  when we have confirmed the date/time, please pay for the session via…

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Case Packages for a Week of Personal Advocate Services either In Home or via Telephone/Skype Case packages are offered to promote intensive work on your health and life challenges. The hours are very labor intensive for the client and their family. These packages are designed specifically to bring issues to the forefront immediately and deal with things that are often “danced around” or put aside for another time. The time would be now to ask the questions, walk through all the difficult decisions to see your alternatives and make a plan that can work for all involved. There is no…

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